Judy LaDivina (@judy_ladivina) first came to life in late December 2015, after arriving to Berlin from Tel Aviv. With a strong foundation in performing arts, she is a fully trained choreographer and a lip sync extraordinaire in 47 languages.
Always the hostess with the mostess, The werking mama is a phenomenal host and entertainer, her comedy timing and inspiring messages get to the hearts of the queer audience and fill the room with euphoric joy.
She is the mother of Dragoholic:
The show was established in 2018 at Silver Future and today happens once a month at TipsyBear Berlin. Dragoholic is a safe and empowering platform for new Drag artists. Since started, the show provided a stage and launched the Drag journeys of over 100 new performers.
She is keeping it Hafla:
With the desire to celebrate their Meditteranean roots and the vision of creating
space for peace and coexistence. Judy and the Darvish created "Yalla Hafla".
She is an Ugly Duckling:
In 2019 Judy was cast as a lead actress for the play “Ugly Duckling”
at Deutsches Theater Berlin
In 2022 Judy choreographed and debut her role as Jezibaba in the opera
"Rusalka" at the Staatsoper Stuttgart.
She is a MAMA
She is a work in progress, a drama queen, a hopeless romantic, soldier of love.
On a monthly basis, Dragoholic provides a safe and empowering platform for new Drag artists to be born and perform for the first time
Since the first show, until today, more than 100 new drag performers have made their debut on the Dragoholic stage and begun their Drag journey.
From time to time we have a special ALL STARS edition, where some of the babes get to share the glow-up and fascinating growth.
Have you ever dreamed of glitter?
Do you live for the applause?
Want to DRAG up your life?
Let MAMA LaDivina know, and she will take it from there!
Instagram: @dragoholic_berlin @judy_ladivina
Open 7 days a week from 18:00 to late | Eberswalder Str. 21, 10437 Berlin, Germany | © Tipsy Bear Berlin, 2024 | Made with Love by Kolibri&Co SARL